Your skincare routine plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy and radiant skin and the order in which you apply your skincare products in the morning and evening is essential for maximising their effectiveness. By understanding the best way to apply your skincare, you can ensure that each product is at its most effective and delivers excellent results.

Let's delve into the importance of the order of your skincare routine and how it can make a significant difference to the appearance and health of your skin.

What Type of Skin Do I Have?

To maintain beautiful skin and address common skin concerns, it is crucial to understand the different skin types and concerns that many have. Skin types include oily, dry, combination, and sensitive skin. Each type has unique characteristics and needs that impact how the skin looks and feels.

For instance, oily skin is prone to excess shine, enlarged pores, and breakouts, whilst dry skin may feel tight and flaky. As for combination skin, it exhibits characteristics of both oily and dry skin, with the T-zone often being oily and the cheeks dry or normal. With so many variations to consider, it is so important to understand what skincare regime works best for you and your skin.

Common skin concerns encompass a range of issues such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, dark circles, dark spots, excess oils and many more. Many of these concerns can be managed with skincare routines tailored to your specific needs.

For example, you can address dry skin by using a moisturiser formulated for that skin type along with hydrating serums such as hyaluronic acid. Similarly, managing oily skin may require the application of products containing salicylic acid or retinol to balance oil production and minimise acne.

To determine your skin type accurately at home, you can perform simple tests like the blotting sheet method or the "watch and wait" method. These tests help identify whether your skin is oily, dry, or combination, based on factors like oil and hydration levels. Understanding your skin type is essential for selecting appropriate skincare products that cater to the needs of your skin.

woman cleaning face with make up remover

What Order Should Skincare Be Applied?

A glowing skincare routine should include cleansing your skin daily, using a toner to balance your skin's pH level, applying a moisturiser for hydration and protection, and exfoliating to promote cell turnover and reveal a brighter complexion. When selecting skincare products, focus on those with ingredients that nourish and brighten the skin such as Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), and Retinol.

Applying your favourite skincare products in a specific order every time is crucial for ensuring that your skin receives the full benefits of each product. The order of application matters because the skin's main function is to keep things out, but many skincare products contain ingredients that we want to penetrate the skin. Applying products in the correct order allows these key ingredients to be absorbed effectively, leading to the very best results from your skincare regime.

The general rule to follow when layering skincare products is to apply them from thinnest consistency to thickest, or liquid to cream. For example, in a morning routine, you would typically start with cleansing, followed by toner, then serums, moisturisers, and sunscreen as the final step to protect your skin from the sun.

What’s more, it's very important to have a morning and evening skincare routine. Having a consistent morning and evening skincare routine isn't just about looking good; it's about keeping your skin healthy and glowing. These routines are like a daily dose of nourishment for your skin, providing essential care tailored to its needs throughout the day and night.

Morning Skin Care Routine


Start your day by cleansing your face to remove any residue from nighttime products and prepare your skin for the day. A gentle, hydrating cleanser, such as Garnier Skin Hydrating Deep Cleanser , or CeraVe Smoothing Cleanser is recommended to avoid stripping the skin of its natural oils during the process.


After cleansing, a toner or essence can help rebalance the skin's pH levels, hydrate, and prepare the skin for better absorption of subsequent products. We recommend Simple Kind To Skin Soothing Facial Toner for a super smooth feel.

Eye Cream:

The skin around the eyes is thinner and more delicate, requiring a specialised product to hydrate and address concerns like dark circles or puffiness.


Serums are concentrated treatments that target specific skin concerns such as ageing, dark spots, or dehydration and it is best practice to apply them after toning but before moisturising. A vitamin C serum, such as Skin Active Vitamin C Brightening Serum is often recommended for its antioxidant properties that protect against environmental damage.


Moisturisers hydrate the skin and lock in the benefits of the serum you use by locking water into the outer layer of your skin. It is important to consider which moisturiser works best for you, this will depend on the climate you live in and the type of skin that you have.


Sunscreen is a very important step in your morning routine, especially in the summer months. It protects the skin from UV damage, which is a leading cause of premature ageing and skin cancer. It is very important to apply it last to ensure it forms an effective barrier on the skin's surfac

Evening Skin Care Routine

Makeup Remover/Cleanser:

Begin your evening routine by removing makeup and/or sunscreen, which can clog pores and lead to breakouts if not properly removed before going to sleep.

woman using makeup remover


Generally, you should be aiming to exfoliate around three times a week. Usually, enzyme exfoliants are gentle enough to be used every day by most skin types, whilst physical scrubs should be used less frequently, no more than once or twice a week.


Like in the morning, toner prepares the skin for serums and treatments and works to rebalance the skin's natural pH, refine the look of pores and deeply hydrate - all whilst providing effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Eye Cream:

Apply eye cream to address concerns such as fine lines or dryness around the eyes. By incorporating an eye cream into your skincare regime, you can target puffiness, dark circles, fine lines, and even help prevent wrinkles from forming.

Moisturiser/Night Cream:

Night creams are typically richer and more hydrating. They work overnight to moisturise and repair the skin. Night creams get to work in the early hours of the night to assist the skin’s natural self-repair and regeneration.

Acne Treatment:

If you have acne or occasional breakouts, then it is best to apply an acne treatment directly to blemishes, at the end of your skincare routine. Acne products work in different ways, depending on their active ingredients. Some work by killing acne-causing bacteria and others remove excess oil from the skin or speed up the growth of new skin cells and the removal of dead skin cells.

woman using moisturiser

What Are Some Common Skincare Mistakes?

Skincare is a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy and radiant skin, but it's easy to make mistakes that can hinder your skin's health. One common mistake is not wearing SPF daily, even when the sun doesn’t seem to be shining. Sun damage is a significant cause of skin ageing, potentially leading to photoaging and collagen breakdown. It's essential to protect your skin by using sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days, with a minimum of SPF 30, especially during the summer months.

Another mistake to avoid is over-exfoliating. While exfoliation is beneficial, doing it too frequently can lead to rough, dehydrated skin. It's recommended to exfoliate a couple of times a week at most and focus on rough areas to prevent irritation.

Improperly storing products is also a common error. Some ingredients like Vitamin C and SPF can lose effectiveness if exposed to sunlight. Storing makeup in a cool, dry place is essential to prevent deactivation or bacterial growth too. Most importantly, consistency in your skincare routine is key. Not keeping a consistent routine can hinder long-term success in achieving healthy, youthful-looking skin. Even when you see positive results, maintaining consistency ensures both short-term and long-term benefits for your skin.

A skincare routine is crucial for maintaining healthy, radiant skin. It plays a vital role in cleansing, hydrating, protecting, and nourishing the skin, effectively preventing issues like acne and premature ageing. At My Hair and Beauty, our expertise in skincare allows us to provide tailored routines that address your specific needs and goals.

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