Chi Enviro 54 Hair Spray Hold Level 3
Chi Enviro 54 Hair Spray Hold Level 3
Chi Enviro 54 Hair Spray Hold Level 3
Chi Enviro 54 Hair Spray Hold Level 3

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Total $22.83
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Chi Enviro 54 Hair Spray Hold Level 3 284 g

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Chi Enviro 54 Hair Spray Hold Level 3 284 g

The CHI Natural Hold Hairspray is great for layering to create multiple textures, styles and finishes

  • 284 g
  • 74 g

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Total $22.83
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The CHI Natural Hold Hairspray is great for layering to create multiple textures, styles and finishes.

Enviro 54: This indicates the level of VOC. California Air Resources Board (CARB) required VOC’s to be under 55 then for Aerosol styling products

4 Items

Great Burdock:-Stimulates hair growth, healthy scalp.
Calendula:-Hydrate scalp, removes dandruff.
Chamomile:-Healthy scalp and hair strands.
Cinnamon Bark:-Removes build up from the scalp.
Rough Horsetail:-Anti bacterial, stimulate hair growth.
Wild geranium:-Deep cleansing, for dry and oily dandruff.
Sea Buckthorn:-Healthy scalp, Vitamin A, E.
Hops:-Cleansing and Bodifying.
Black Walnut shell:-Anti-inflammatory property.
Chaparral:-Anti-inflammatory property.
Lemon Balm:-Balance and refresh oily hair and scalp.
Rosemary:-Promotes hair growth.
Sage:-Anti bacterial, anti-oxidant properties.
Comfrey:-Soothes and softens the hair.
Thyme:-Improves blood circulations, Hair growth.
Nettle:-Against hair loss, for hair growth.
Yucca:-Thickens, anti-fungus, anti-dandruff.
Vitamin B5:-Hydrates and strengthening follicles.

Hold bottle 20cm away from hair. Spray evenly after styling hair to secure finish.

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Features and Benefits :-

  • It is lightweight, flexible hold with no build up
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